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Cristão libanês em Annaya

Aleteia Brasil - publicado em 23/02/16

A Lebanese Christian believer flashes a cross and a rosary tattooed on this neck as he takes part in a procession in the town of Annaya in northern Lebanon on February 22, 2016 marking the 23rd anniversary of a miracle Lebanese Saint Charbel (portrait) is believed to have carried out.
Saint Charbel Makhluf was a Maronite monk and priest from Lebanon. During his life, he obtained a wide reputation for holiness and he has been canonized by the Catholic Church. It is a common belief that Nohad el-Chami was healed on January 22, 1993, from a partial paralysis by a miracle attributed to Saint Charbel / AFP / PATRICK BAZ (Photo credit should read PATRICK BAZ/AFP/Getty Images)

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