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Música: Alanna Boudreau quer iluminar o seu coração

Alanna-Marie Boudreau - publicado em 16/03/17

Um indie-folk para você adicionar aos seus favoritos, com certeza: “Controlled Burn”

“I won’t light a fire if you don’t want to be seen. But I will abide, and my love remains free”


Alanna Boudreau recorda-nos que a música cristã engloba todos os gêneros. Com vocais doces e seu estilo indie-folk, consegue dar ao seu minimalismo um som amplo e cheio de vida.

Como letrista, apesar de jovem, Alanna demonstra desenvoltura. Sabe empregar elementos poéticos e enfatizar frases fortes.

“Controlled Burn” é uma melodia cativante. Serve como bom exemplo do estilo de Boudreau. Ela executa sua música com um anseio sincero, na busca de explorar as maravilhas da vida. Mal podemos esperar o que ela ainda nos reserva.

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Controlled Burn

Oh my life, my life, my life

it stretches behind me

And I see all the miss-steps

and the poorly-timed kisses.

And I ache, I ache, I ache

when I see all the nothing

that could have been something

that should have been you.


But in this forest full of second chances,

your heat-wave pulls me under.

In this forest full of second chances,

your green-sap draws me upward.

In this forest full of second chances,

my delight is your thunder.

In this forest full of second chances,

this child is recovered.


Oh my bones, my bones, my bones

they’re dry as a desert

And the tomb is still barren

And the ghost still has power.

And I thirst, I thirst, I thirst

as I lick off the pavement

as if it gives me water

as if it gives me you.


But in this forest full of second chances,

your heat-wave pulls me under.

In this forest full of second chances,

your green-sap draws me upward.

In this forest full of second chances,

my delight is your thunder.

In this forest full of second chances,

this child is recovered.


Mini Bio

Name: Alanna Boudreau

Hometown: NY

Current City:

Latest Album: Hints & Guesses

Fun Fact: Classically trained in piano from the age of six into her teens, she began writing her own songs when she picked up the guitar around the age of 15. She has toured the U.S. and Israel.




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